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ASICS recognized as global leader for engaging its supply chain on climate change two years in a row

Release Date: 10 Feb 2021   |   KOBE, Japan
ASICS Recognized as Global Leader for Engaging Its Supply Chain on Climate Change Two Years in a Row

KOBE, Japan (February 10, 2021) – ASICS Corporation, a leading global sporting goods company, has been identified as a global leader for engaging with its suppliers on climate change, being awarded a position on the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard two years in a row, by global environmental impact non-profit CDP.

ASICS has been recognized for its actions and strategies to reduce emissions and manage climate risks in its supply chain in the past reporting year. Over 7,000 companies in total were assessed by CDP and given a Supplier Engagement Rating, based on answers to selected questions about governance, targets, scope 3 emissions, and value chain engagement of their response to the CDP 2020 climate change questionnaire and their overall CDP climate change score. ASICS is among the top 7% of organizations assessed by CDP, one of almost 400 companies on the Leaderboard this year.

ASICS was also recently included in Sustainability Yearbook 2021 published by S&P Global, which showcases the sustainability performance of the world’s top 15% companies in each industry.

ASICS is committed to pursuing sustainability in all aspects of its business on an ongoing basis to help bring about a more sustainable society.

For further details on ASICS’ CSR and sustainability activities, please see the company website.

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