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ASICS wins Pride Index Gold Award 2021 third straight year

Release Date: 11 Nov 2021
ASICS Wins Pride Index Gold Award 2021 Third Straight Year

ASICS Corporation is pleased to announce that it has been named a Gold Award winner in the PRIDE Index, which evaluates Japanese companies’ inclusiveness efforts with sexual minorities (hereafter, LGBTQ) in the workplace. This is the third year in a row that ASICS has been named a Gold winner.

The PRIDE Index was developed by private group Work with Pride in 2016 with the goal of creating more LGBTQ-friendly Japanese workplaces beyond the frameworks of companies and groups.

This year’s Index rated ASICS highly not only for conducting regular internal activities to promote understanding, but also for the efforts below.

Industry activities related to LGBTQ inclusion
ASICS designed the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games volunteer uniforms that were comfortable for diverse group of users by reflecting the input from LGBTQ participants. For example, ASICS designed apparel that avoided the use of white and featured decorative necklines.

Encouraging employee participation in and publicizing LGBTQ-related events
ASICS held a running event in June, Pride Month, when events and parades to promote education and support regarding LGBTQ rights are held around the world. Many employees from 12 different countries participated. ASICS also worked to promote understanding of LGBTQ issues by disseminating information internally. ASICS will continue to actively hold activities to lay the groundwork for each individual employee to reconsider the meaning of diversity and for greater acceptance.

One of the key focus areas in ASICS’ 2023 mid-term management plan is strengthening and active utilization of its human resources, as well as diversity and inclusion. ASICS promotes inclusion and considers the strength of its diverse human resources a driving force for innovation. ASICS will continue to work to create an environment in which its diverse workforce can maximize its talents, and to challenge itself to keep making innovative products and services that offer new value to its customers.

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